14 June 2010

now reading....The Dark Rose (Book Two, Morland Dynasty) by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

The Dark Rose (Book Two, Morland Dynasty)
by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

Release Date:  July 1, 2010

SYNOPSIS:  In Cynthia Harrod-Eagles's worldwide bestsellers, the majestic sweep of English history is richly and movingly portrayed through the fictional lives of the Morland family.

It is 1501, and Paul, great-grandson of Eleanor Morland, has inherited the estate and has a son to follow him. But he fathers an illegitimate boy by his beloved mistress, and bitter jealously between the half-brothers causes a destructive rift that threatens to destroy them all.

Paul's niece Nanette has her own passions, and becomes maid-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn. At the court of Henry VIII, she witnesses firsthand the events leading up to the rift with Rome, her mistress's execution, and the further efforts of the sad, ailing king to secure the male succession. And through all the turmoil of Henry VIII's reign-from drought to floods, from religious reform to court intrigue-the Morlands find new ways to come together while the world seems intent on tearing them apart.

Read my review of Book One: The Founding.



  1. I read the first book a few weeks ago and enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one. :)

  2. I think I have mentioned before that I am totally absorbed with all things Tudor, so this sounds like a great read to me. I can't wait to hear what you think of it!! I am reading a book called The Tudors: the Complete Story of History's Most Notorious Dynasty. It is very good, but I am only reading bits at a time in order to savor it! I will hate to see it end! I do recommend it though!

  3. I am reading this right now and just about finished. I find it somewhat disturbing that with both books the protagonists are so blasted unlikeable. First Eleanor and now Paul (although he does redeem a bit) and Amyrus

  4. Just started this one also =) Page 4 though.

  5. This sounds like a great series. Might have to give it a closer look.

  6. This book sounds good...very good. Off to read your review of book one.
