27 February 2010

Review: The Secret of the Glass by Donna Russo Morin

The Secret of the Glass
by Donna Russo Morin

As part of the February HF Bloggers Round Table event, here is my review of The Secret of the Glass by Donna Russo Morin.  As I am one of the last of the group to post their reviews and since their reviews were so thorough, I won't beat a dead horse and thought I would give you a short and sweet summary and then my thoughts.

Sophia Fiolario is a happy and blossoming young lady surrounded by the love of her family, especially her doting father, who has taught her a very dear and a very dangerous secret - glass making.  Should Sophia be found out the punishment could be death and their family left in ruins.  Their glass-making factory, La Spada, is one of the most successful in all of Venice, thus making Sophia a handsome prize for any ambitious and powerful nobleman.  Sophia's world turns upside down when her father falls ill and then there is the marriage summons that has been sent to her from Pasquale da Fuligna, son of local Venetian nobility - something she could not decline.   Endeavoring to keep her father's illness a secret to protect the family business and seeking a way out of her impending union with the horrid Pasquale, Sophia finds the strength within herself to persevere and save her family. 

Although I found this book to be a bit slow at times, I really enjoyed reading about the glass making process and the parts with Galileo and his telescope were interesting.   I would've liked to have had more time to get to know Sophia and her family before all of this befell them...I think it would've helped me feel more of a connection with them.  Lovers of historical fiction, particularly those that enjoy novels set in Venice will really enjoy The Secret of the Glass!

HF Bloggers Round Table reviews:

In case you missed our other posts...

Interview with author Donna Russo Morin:  Part One | Part Two | Part Three

Win a Murano Venetian Glass Pendant!  Open to international entries.  Ends on March 1st.

Win a copy of The Secret of the Glass!  Open to international entries.  Ends on March 1st.

Creative Posts:

Allie @ The Hist-Fic Chick: The History of Carnevale
Arleigh @ historical-fiction.com: The Life and Times of Galileo Galilei & giveaway
Lucy @ Enchanted by Josephine: 18c Venetian Woman Makes History
Lizzy @ Historically Obsessed: Fact Checking the Island of Murano

I'd like to thank all of you that followed our event for The Secret of the Glass - I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 

And remember to check back tomorrow for Lucy's review!




  1. A good story can always be made better with better character development.

  2. I agree Amy, a little more about the family's life before the ordeal would have made me feel more for them. But I loved the Galileo part. Nice review.

  3. this sounds really good, even if it needed a bit more info on the family.
    great review!

  4. Amy I agree it was lacking but more in a emotional sense for me maybe we needed more time with her family to form that attachment. I loved the book for sure but not one of my favorites.
