08 January 2010

Review: Notorious Royal Marriages by Leslie Carroll

Notorious Royal Marriages
by Leslie Carroll


After reading and loving Leslie Carroll's Royal Affairs, I just HAD to get my hands on her follow up non-fiction book, Notorious Royal Marriages:  A Juicy Journey Through Nine Centuries of Dynasty, Destiny, and Desire!  And, it did not disappoint!  You see, Leslie has this great sense of humor that resonates throughout the book, making you laugh out loud and wishing high school history was taught this way!  I, for one, would've stayed awake for sure!

In Notorious Royal Marriages, Miss Carroll covers infamous Royal couples throughout history; from the tempestuous Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine to the 21st century love triangle between Princess Diana, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles. What's really great about NRM, is that the chapters are nice and condensed, making it easy to pick up when you've only got a few moments and also, it is easy to jump around to certain chapters depending on what piques your interest.  And even though some of the couples are well known, Leslie adds the most interesting tid-bits.  For example, Mary Tudor (Henry VIII's youngest sister) had a wardrobe worth $30 million dollars in today's money when she was sent to marry King Louis XII.  Yowza!!  Can we say DIVA?  She puts Paris Hilton to shame!

The only thing that I think would bring a lot to the book is pictures.  Not only because I am aesthetically stimulated, but also because I think it would be nice to have a visual reference when reading about a particular couple.

Yours truly highly recommends Notorious Royal Marriages to all!

Think this book sounds right up your alley?  I've got 1 copy up for grabs - US residents only.  Click HERE to enter.  Giveaways ends on January 22nd.

From left to right:  Napoleon and Josephine, Peter III and Catherine the Great, Lord Darnley and Mary, Queen of Scots, Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon.  

FTC:  my copy of Notorious Royal Marriages was provided by NAL Publishing for review.



  1. I agree, pictures would have made it better - even in black and white. I for one have no idea who some of the people are. Nice review!

  2. I saw this the other day. It looked good.

  3. I loved that too about the chapters! And, it is great when you can pick and choose which royal couple you want to read about without worrying about order, continuations or missing out on somehting. I loved the book- and I too would have welcomed pictures just as icing on the cake. Loved your review! Thanks:)

  4. Yes , pictures would be nice..
    I really have to get this book now. Good review Amy!!

  5. This sounds like a fascinating book! It's always fun to read about odd royal marriages. :-)

  6. Great review Amy short and to the point. Pictures would have been cool.

  7. I was thinking pictures would have been a nice addition as well, but she probably would have had to get rid of more text, making it shorter. Easy to Google them anyway ;)
