20 July 2009

new EC book trailer for To Defy A King

Elizabeth Chadwick has posted the trailer for her book-in-progress about Mahelt Marshall and Hugh Bigod, To Defy A King!  I really dig these trailers EC puts together, but they drive me cah-rah-zee with anticipation and I want to read it, like, NOW!

Click here to read the latest news on To Defy A King via her blog, Elizabeth Chadwick News.



  1. I have to say I'm not a fan of her books. Daughters of the Grail was a huge disappointment for me. Too romantic and I hate the alternating POV. I think she does that with all her novels. She seems like a nice person, I just can't get into her stuff.

  2. I am with you waiting, waiting, waiting! Impatiently I might add!

  3. I would try one of her later books Ms I, especially if they become available from your library.

  4. Tapping my foot impatiently here.

  5. I'm waiting for this one! Even the trailer is in on the suspense! Thanks:)

  6. Ooooohhh I LOVE book trailers!!!
    Thanks for sharing!! Would you mind if I use this for our blog and link it back to yours?? Too good to pass up!! LOL!

