06 April 2009

Winner of Mary, Queen of France!

And the winner of Jean Plaidy's Mary, Queen of France is.....

Congratulations Mo!  Shoot me an email with your address and I'll get it right out to you!  Happy Reading!  Thanks to everyone who entered!


  1. Hi Amy,
    I'm emailing my address to you in just a second. I just wanted to say that I love your blog and am very happy to have won the book. My favorite historicals all come from around the Tudor period, so 'Mary, Queen of France' looks great! On a funny note, I took the 'Which Tudor Are You?' quiz you mentioned a while back, and I got Prostitute lol
    Thanks for the great contest!

  2. How awesome...congrats to Mo!

  3. Congrats to Mo & happy reading :-)

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