13 November 2008

Like you need more books.....

Book of Henry VIII as seen through the eyes of his fool, Wil Sommers.
US Release Date:  April 1, 2009
The lovely, funny and oh so talented Susan Higginbotham is having her novel re-released by Sourcebooks. 
US Release Date:  April 1, 2009
Synopsis:  In fourteenth-century England, young Eleanor de Clare, favorite niece of King Edward II, is delighted with her marriage to Hugh le Despenser and her appointment to Queen Isabella’s household as a lady-in-waiting. It soon becomes apparent, however, that Eleanor’s beloved uncle is not the king the nobles of the land—or his queen—expected.
Hugh’s unbridled ambition and his intimate relationship with Edward arouse widespread resentment, even as Eleanor remains fiercely loyal to her husband and to her king. But loyalty has its price… Moving from royal palaces to prison cells, from the battlefield to the bedroom, between hope and despair, treachery and fidelity, hatred and abiding love, The Traitor’s Wife is a tale of an extraordinary woman living in extraordinary times.
 US Release Date:  March 5, 2009
Synopsis:  In 1854, beautiful, adventurous Rosa Barr travels to the Crimean battlefield with Florence Nightingale’s nursing corps. A headstrong idealist, longing to break out of the rigid confines of life as a young lady, Rosa is determined to make a difference in the world.

For Mariella Lingwood, Rosa’s cousin, the war is contained within the pages of her scrapbook, in her London sewing circle, and in the letters she receives from her fiancé, Henry—a celebrated surgeon who has also volunteered to work within the shadow of the guns. When Henry falls ill and is sent to recuperate in Italy, Mariella impulsively decides she must go to him. But upon her arrival at his lodgings, she makes a heartbreaking discovery: Rosa has disappeared without a trace. Following the trail of her elusive cousin, Mariella’s epic journey takes her from the domestic restraint of Victorian London to the ravaged landscape of the Crimea and the tragic city of Sebastopol, where she encounters Rosa’s dashing stepbrother, a reckless cavalry officer whose complex past —and future—is inextricably bound up with her own. As Mariella’s quest leads her deeper into the dark heart of the conflict, her ordered world begins to crumble and she finds she has much to learn about secrecy, faithfulness, and love.
US Release Date:  March 1, 2009
Synopsis:  Arthur Pendragon, chosen as the new leader of the Britons, becomes a pawn in a political triangle, and he is forced to choose between his new kingdom and Gwenhwyfar, the woman he loves.
US Release Date:  March 1, 2009
Synopsis:  Neither Sir Tristram Shield nor Eustacie, his young French cousin, share the slightest inclination to marry one another. Yet it is Lord Lavenham's dying wish. For there is no one else to provide for the old man's granddaughter while Ludovic, his heir, remains a fugitive from justice.
(Isn't that a purty cover?)
US Release Date:  February 5, 2009
Synopsis:  In Mistress Shakespeare, Elizabethan beauty Anne Whateley reveals intimate details of her dangerous, daring life and her great love, William Shakespeare. As historical records show, Anne Whateley of Temple Grafton is betrothed to Will just days before he is forced to wed the pregnant Anne Hathaway of Shottery. The clandestine Whateley/Shakespeare match is a meeting of hearts and heads that no one—not even Queen Elizabeth or her spymasters—can destroy. From rural Stratford-upon- Avon to teeming London, the passionate pair struggles to stay solvent and remain safe from Elizabeth I’s campaign to hunt down secret Catholics, of whom Shakespeare is rumored to be a part. Often at odds, always in love, the couple sells Will’s first plays and, as he climbs to theatrical power in Elizabeth’s England, they fend off fierce competition from rival London dramatists, ones as treacherous as they are talented. Persecution and plague, insurrection and inferno, friends and foes, even executions of those they hold dear, bring Anne’s heartrending story to life. Spanning half a century of Elizabethan and Jacobean history and sweeping from the lowest reaches of society to the royal court, this richly textured novel tells the real story of Shakespeare in love.


  1. The first of those books sounds a lot like Magaret George's Autobiography of Henry VIII. I read Rose of Sebastopol a while ago and wasn't blown away by it, I'm afraid.

  2. Katherine - I thought the same thing about the first book. I'm not sure if anything can top that but it's worth a shot. Sorry to hear that about Rose...it looked really good.

  3. Well, of course you need new books! Especially a certain new book. Thanks for the mention!

  4. So many pretty covers! Looks like a lot of interesting books.

  5. Some of those will definitely be added to the TBR. And I thought of Margaret George when I read the first book description, too!


  6. Cut it out.....I've been buying enough books lately without you adding to the problem. ;)

  7. I've many fond memories of Georgette Heyer--my sisters and I built up quite a collection of her Regency romances! Considering the fact that the Regency only lasted 10 short years, there are many novels associated with the period. Probably because there was so much happening--the war with Napoleon, the Romantic movement in the arts, the growth of the British empire in India, the Industrial Revolution...

  8. Susan - you are most welcome!

    Sorry Michele...you can tell Jack it's all my fault!!

    Devaki - I've never read one, so I'm really looking forward to it.

  9. Wow, I am so behind! Thanks for the heads up on these books!

  10. I saw the 2009 date for the King's Fool and thought, Wait, didn't I read that already? Nope, it was the Margaret George book (which was good).

    Great list here, I've barely posted this week's wish list and next week's is already being filled.

    Note to self: "Step away from the bogs!"
