2015 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge Results & Wrap Up

Wow, what a great turn out we had for the 2015 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, there were almost 900 reviews linked!! A huge thanks to all of you who participated!

It's now time to wrap up the 2015 HF Reading Challenge and to report the number of Hist Fic books you read this year. What level did you end up at? Did you exceed or fall short of your original goal? What titles were among your favorites of the year?

20th century Reader - 2 books
Victorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books

Sign Ups are now open for the 2016 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge!


  1. I read and reviewed 41 (I think from counting) historical fiction books in 2015 so I made my Ancient History goal! I've read too many wonderful books to note but my best of the year post went live (http://aliteraryvacation.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-best-books-of-year-list.html?m=1) and lots of those are historical fiction. I think I'll stick with Ancient History as my goal this year and just maybe I'll beat it :)!

  2. I exceeded my ancient history goal, reading 40 historical novels, but think I'll stick with that level next year since I'm not sure I can get to >50. I enjoyed almost all of them so favorites are hard to pick, but The Wake by Paul Kingsnorth, The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks and The Gilded Hour by Sara Donati stand out as most memorable. I'm looking forward to next year!

  3. This was a fun year. Thanks for hosting, Amy!

    I started at the Renaissance Reader level and made it to the Ancient History level with 41 books. I read a lot of good ones. I think the Poldark saga books were the best, but I also enjoyed several Anne Perry Victorian mysteries, too.

  4. I pledged at met my goal of Ancient History by reading 27 books this year. I found some really good books, and enjoyed them all immensely.

  5. I managed to make my Prehistoric Level of WWII themed books, just squeaking in @ that number on th 31st, with my last review posted, for a total of 50 books in that genre. I think next year I'm not going to be that ambitious. I got a bit burned out for that time period. Favorites would definitely have to include that last title I read, Flight of Dreams by Ariel Lawhon (awesome book!), City of Women by David Gillham, and The Girl From the Train by Irma Joubert. This was a great run and I look forward to 2016's challenge! :)

  6. Here's my completion post: http://www.carpelibrum.net/2016/01/completed-historical-fiction-reading.html
    I managed to exceed my goal, but didn't manage to jump a level, achieving Medieval status.
    Looking forward to joining in again this year!


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