Sunday Salon

Happy Sunday! Amy checkin' in with you here...just got done decorating the abode for Christmas with lil' Passages to the Past and it looks like really awesome! Decorating is a lot like moving - you never know how much stuff you have until you un-pack (or pack) it. The most fun part for me is hanging the ornaments. My mom is really great about buying me a new ornament every year, as well as, handing down ones from when I was little. The most special are My First Christmas from 1977, Mommy To Be bear with a baby belly, Our First Christmas for me and Mr. Passages, another My First Christmas for my daughter and a lot of ones she's made throughout the years. Do you have any favorite or special ornaments?

Christmas Tree Pictures, Images and Photos
Went to a couple library sales this weekend and I swear those old ladies get meaner and meaner every time!! I can't wait to be old and bitchy (vs. young and bitchy) ha!! Here's what I managed to grab before I took a cane to the shins.

On a reading note, I am still hanging with Annais in Lady of Quality by Georgette Heyer and am enjoying my time there. I should have the review posted this week.

On a blog note, I've been pondering my "This Day in History" posts and I've decided to change it up a bit. From now on with your history lesson for the day I'll be including titles of books relating to the subject at hand - that way you can read it for yourselves!

1 comment:

  1. I thought Pope Joan was excellent! A little bit rambling, but still very good.


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